Wednesday 22 April 2015

And Sew It Begins

First up, I'm sorry. I can't help it I promise. The pun was there and I couldn't resist.

Now, I have decided to build a sewing blog. I do this because I'm a terrible costumer and because I need something to hold me accountable to actually doing my projects, rather than leaving them half completed in my sewing room, only adding to the already significant clutter.

I also do this because I feel that it will help my with my documentation and my thought process and hopefully counteract my complete inability to pre-plan. I have a habit of making dresses because they look nice, rather than because of their historical accuracy. This needs to stop, so I'm stopping it. If it's not well documented enough to go on my blog, it's not well documented enough to make (As a note, the blog is unlikely to be good enough to be a good reference for other costumers, at the very least in it's first few months/years. Please do not use me as a basis for your garb. My attempts will probably be pretty hopeless).

Finally, I do this because I have a very large amount of garb that I hope to make in a very short period of time. I fly out for Pennsic on the 18th of July. I will be dressing myself primarily in Ancient Greek and 16th Century German. I have all of my greek already. Before Pennsic, I would like to make:

  • 1 doppelshurz
  • 1 normal apron
  • At least 2 low necked smocks and a high necked one if I have time
  • 2 dresses
  • 1 underskirt
  • 3 pairs of socks (2 linen and 1 wool)
  • 1 fake hair piece to cover my short hair
  • 2 wulsthaubes
This is a lot of work, and I fully anticipate that I won't get it all done. Duchess Yolande has said she will help me with some of it if I need, but I want to do most of the actual work on my own. 

Wish me luck.